Friday, December 14, 2012 Die

Jesus received what He didn’t deserve, so we could receive what we didn’t deserve...and He did it anyway! Jesus was born so He could die. His purpose was to die…to die a sinners death without sin. To sacrifice himself totally…even though it was unjust, it wasn’t fair for Him to die..He didn’t deserve to die…as I don’t deserve to live…to live perfectly in eternity. It truly doesn’t make sense in this brain of mine. He walked in peace, joy, love, patience, kindness, all with self control…even though He was treated unfairly..but He had His eyes focused on one thing…beyond the cross. Am I focused beyond the cross…beyond the crosses of my life…the trials…the sadness…the hurt and the pain loved ones all around me suffer….Are my eyes fixed on my guaranteed happily ever after ending? Life is unfair…there is no questioning that. The rich get richer …the poor get poorer…the mean get meaner and the nice get nicer. The unjust win , the “just” lose….Jesus…lived it all…He lived the just life while being treated unjustly. He knew He was right…and He still chose to turn the other cheek …because He knew the ultimate truth. The scorn and shame was so temporary...just a blip…as compared to eternity. That is why He was able to scorn the shame on the cross..because He looked beyond the cross…He knew that His daddy was God. He was secure…He knew the truth…beyond what His eyes could see. He never tried to convince others who He was, because He knew who He was. He never had to defend Himself, because God had His back. It didn’t matter what anyone would say about Him, or what they would do to Him…because He stood firmly in what was true. He took the nails…He wore the chains so I could be free. So when trials come my way, and the pain and the sting of death is all around me…I will stand firm to the truths that I know…When I get treated unjustly, I don’t need to overreact…I can respond as a child of the King, in peace, and turn the other cheek, because I know that God has my back…and Jesus has a room all ready for me to rest my head in eternity.

You are not Alone T wo footprints...actually mine. How lonely they look upon the sand as I approach the ocean. The ocean...such beauty...