Monday, January 03, 2011

Today I have to do.....

I wake up this morning with my to do list plastered on my brain. Actually, I had this list on my brain all why do I wonder when my feet hit the ground that I am filled with anxiety?

Scripture tells us to "... seek first his kingdom and his righteousness..." (matthew 6:33). I am not told to first seek ME and MY wants and my agenda...and my emails....I am to seek Him...FIRST.
How hard it is to seek Him first when you have a list with 20 items that used to be 5?
So....I follow that inner churning in my soul, and go and seek Him. I pack up my agenda, and the anxiety that comes with it...go to my quiet place...and sit with the Lord. I sit...I squirm...I wait "patiently"....turning my thoughts from what I need to do, to the One who I need.
Then comes that peace, that peace that transcends all understanding. It washes over me. It washes over my agenda. God is so faithful...He always shows up when I show up.
He reminds me that today is His day. He has plans for me. He has blessings for me. I give Him my day, my agenda, all of He can do His job in my life...for today.
I have learned to hold onto my list loosely, as it isn't mine. When I only get down to number 3 on my to do list, I have to look back over my day and smile at what God changed or added to my agenda...the phone call from a friend, a conversation with my kids, a flat tire...God's glorious plans all wrapped up in whatever comes my way.
So today I will write my "to do" list in allow God the opportunity to erase and add His agenda for me ...His perfect plans fitting neatly into His perfect day...He made for me...for you.
May your day be filled with His peace as you give Him your you can experience the blessings , in all the things He has planned for you.
Peace to you,
"Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."
(1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)

*Please let me know if your mailbox is getting too I will stop sharing my moments with the Lord with I know emails pile up. I just get very excited and have to share how amazing He is!


As I sit at my desk, on this rainy day, writing about "walking with Jesus"...the church bells begin to play the hymn "He walks with Me".
I didn't even know that I knew the lyrics...but with tears in my eyes, I sang (in my head!) the chorus , as the bells played the melody.....

"And he walks with me and he talks with me and he tells me I am his own
And the joy we share as we tarry there none other has ever known..."

This Jesus...walks with me, and He talks with me...and He tells me that I am His own...
He is with me...always! Walking in these truths, is when joy fills my heart, enabling me to walk through anything.
How awesome that God blessed me with this song, as I was writing about walking through this life with Jesus.

Jesus asks us to come, to sit and to listen to His voice, before getting up to walk.
The cool thing is that He doesn't tell us first to clean up our act, or even lose 10 pounds...He tells us to is...
As this song begins....

"I come to the garden, alone...While the dew is still on the roses"

Our walk begins with "coming to the garden" "seek first his kingdom..."(Matthew 6:33 )...and to listen...before taking the steps.

Do I chose to come to Jesus as soon as I wake up in the morning? Do I chose to come to Jesus...first.. when I am overwhelmed? Do I chose to come to Jesus when I feel lonely? Do I chose to come to Jesus...just because He wants me to?

What a journey "Life" is! What peace there is knowing that we
have Jesus as our fellow companion, walking right beside He can
"direct our paths" (proverbs 3:5) and equip us with everything we need for the journey.

May your day be filled with His you Come to the your Savior can walk and talk with you!

Peace your way,
(Now the bells are playing "Let there be peace on earth"...I think God is trying to tell me something!)

"My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand." John 10:27-28

He Walks With Me
I come to the garden alone While the dew is still on the roses
And the voice I hear falling on my ear the son of God discloses
And he walks with me and he talks with me and he tells me I am his own
And the joy we share as we tarry there none other has ever known

He speaks and the sound of his voice is so sweet the birds hush their singing
And the melody that he gave to me within my heart is ringing
And he walks with me...

I'd stay in the garden with him though the night around me is falling
But He bids me go through the voice of woe
His voice to me is calling

(Like I said, the chorus is all I knew....Thank you Lord for Google!)



A wise man (my husband) once said...
"Contentment means being okay with where you are today, where you were yesterday, not worrying about tomorrow. Content in knowing that whatever happens is okay because it is in God’s control."

The only way to be in the moment is to be in the moment.
The moment may be a trial you are experiencing.
The moment may be a choice you have to make.
The moment may be a task that you have to complete.
The moment may be the lowest moment of your life.
The only way to be in the moment is to be in the moment.
As I was running this morning, I asked the Lord to show me how to be peaceful in the to enjoy be ever present.
He answered me through that
inner voice that speaks to my heart...
...that He has been teaching me how, by making me be in it...
How is one to know how "to be" unless one is taught.
The moment is where I learn to lean on God.

It is so much easier to walk around the pink elephant in the room, as avoidance is the easier road to take.
But you know what...avoidance never got rid of the pink elephant. Avoidance never cured the illness. Avoidance never mended the relationship. Avoidance never completed the task.
When running away isn't an option, and you are forced to be in the moment... that is where you meet God. That is where God does His best work. Always refining us on the Potter's wheel..

I had to laugh when I realized that God is teaching me how to be in the moment by forcing me to be in it.
It is at this place where you meet God at a deeper level.
Where He is found.
Because God is controlling the moment. Jesus is with you in the moment. And the Holy spirit is strengthens you in the moment.

So on this beautiful day...whatever moment is facing you...may you meet God like you never have that moment...
Because it is in His precious presence that one is able to accept the present as a gift.
His Peace,
"I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want."
Philippians 4:12

Hmm....can you tell the word of the day is "moment"?


The Perfect Present

Shopping for Christmas gifts...for our loved ones, for our friends, for those who are in need...
Choosing the perfect gift to express our love.
Christmas....a holiday set aside for the
Birthday Celebration of Jesus.
A celebration of God's perfect present, sent from above to all of us. The perfect "one size fits all". The perfect present that is for a girl, a boy, a man and woman. The perfect present that satisfies all our needs. The perfect present that doesn't need batteries. The perfect present that doesn't have to be put together. The perfect present that you don't have to go to the Mall to purchase. The perfect present with free shipping. The perfect present that is delivered instantly.
The perfect present with the perfect price...
The perfect present when unwrapped....
Turns anxiety into peace
Turns sorrow into joy
Turns guilt into forgiveness
Turns rejection into acceptance.
Turns hatred into love.

Jesus...the gift that keeps giving. The perfect gift for us...the perfect gift for all of our loved ones. The perfect gift for everyone.
May you experience true peace and joy, every season of your life, as you unwrap the Perfect Present...
Jesus...and pass it on.

May Blessings Abound,

"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. He chose to give us birth through the word of truth, that we might be a kind of firstfruits of all he created. James 1:17-18


Happy Birthday...Jesus!

Today is my daughter’s birthday. She is no longer a she enters into her 20s. I smile and my eyes fill with tears as I remember that day she was born. The day that God chose for her to come into this world. I remember looking into her eyes, with the same expression that I had when I looked into the eyes of my 24 and 26 year old precious childrens’ eyes, on the day of their wonder, in such amazement that it warmed my heart in an unexplainable way.
As everyone is preparing for Christams celebrate the birth of our King, I think about His birth. The day that He was born to Mary....a humble little girl. I wonder what happened to her heart that day when she looked into her precious baby’s eyes. I can’t even imagine. I bet her heart was on fire. I bet she was a wee bit wondering....”Why me? Why would God chose me to give such a gift?”
I have asked that question myself...
“Why me, Lord. Why would you give me....after all that I have done and after all that I continue to do ...such a gift...your precious son.?”
And God answers...
”Just because I love you.”
So simple, yet so hard to ingest. JUST BECAUSE.
Wow...Just because He loves me. Just because He loves you.
I think of the words from the chorus of the song, Who AM I..
"Not because of Who I am. But because of what you’ve done.
Not because of What I’ve done. But because of Who you are."
It isn't about me. It really is about Him. God...wanting to hand us all His gift of love, all wrapped up in His infant Son, born 2010 years ago.
So when I look into the eyes of eyes fill with tears and my heart gets I experience His forgiveness, His love, His grace...and remember how He has changed this heart of mine, and continues to do so.....
Just because....
May you unwrap the only true gift of Christmas, given to you from your “Daddy” above and experience all the blessings that He has for you...
His Peace, Joy, Love, Acceptance, Forgiveness, Hope...
He Loves You!
Happy Birthday my daughter.
Happy Birthday my Jesus!
His Peace,
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."
John 3:16


Is it Givingthanks...or Thanksgiving?

This is the time of year when we are "supposed" to be thankful.
Thankful for crowded grocery stores, thankful for the turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, pies.... and for the lonely string bean...that adds that " green" to our table.
Thankful for buying the turkey napkins and candy canes...all at
the same time because there are only 31 shopping days until
Thankful for the alarm clocks that will buzz at 4am on " black
Friday" because there will only be 29 days left to shop.
I cry this morning with tears of heart felt thanksgiving...
For the lord... For saving me.... by sending his precious son...
To die so I, so we... could all live " happily ever after".
I cry heart felt tears for my precious children and husband who
God has given to me as love and to be loved.
I cry heartfelt tears for my mom and dad who God gave to me to
care for me and love me.
I cry heartfelt tears for my siblings who I don't share enough
how much I love them and for the smiles they have added to my
I cry heartfelt tears for those who are crying today with tears
of loss, sorrow, pain and loneliness.
Yet I cry out prayers for all those hearts that this thanksgiving
they will experience the peace & the joy of the Lord, in the
midst of their circumstances.
I cry for the distractions of the " holidays" which crowd out the
real meaning of "Givingthanks" (Thanksgiving) and the birthday
celebration of a little boy born 2010 years ago in a stable....
Who has given me... Given you... Given all of us....
The ultimate gifts of
Forgiveness...Salvation.... & Freedom.....
The Freedom to dance with our two left feet...
Just because God is thankful for us... Thankful that He made
us.... As we are all His workmanship.
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you my special someones who are all
gifts to me... I thank God for placing you in my life.
So tomorrow as you are eating your turkey take time to also.....
"Taste and see that the LORD is good;
blessed is the one who takes refuge in him."
Psalm 34;8.

His Peace to you,
"Trust God. Wait Patiently. Watch Expectantly"


This morning, as I was sitting on the beach, talking with God (He loves the beach!), I kept looking for "signs" that He was with me. I shuffled through my worship songs, just waiting to have that "ah ha" moment....when God and I are so in synced....when you know that it isn't a coincidence, and so clearly Him.
Well, I wasn't syncing this morning. I went from song to song...just waiting to get that "feeling"...nothing happening. So I got up, ran back home, still clicking through the songs to get that "God moment"....well the God moment came...and it wasn't in a song. It came through my heart....that I was "testing" God.
Yup, I was testing God. I was looking for Him, looking for that mountain top the beach, in the ocean, in a song. Testing Him...challenging Him to make Himself present to me.
Are you really there God?
Are you really who you say you are?
The little stubborn child in me screaming, "I want you right now and I want you to do it my way?"
God did show up. He showed me that He is with me every second, even when I don't have that "Ah Ha" moment. He is with me when I am looking for Him in the beach, a sunrise, a friend. He hasn't gone anywhere. He wants us to seek Him first...but that is giving Him your first "second", your first "thought", your first "thanks".
Because God is so gracious, He does send those precious nuggets from heaven...those "Ah Ha" moments, those power surges of the Holy Spirit, the unexpected blessing, the day that you get to check off everything on your to do list, the positive test results, the paycheck, the smile from your child, just taking a breath....
He is always present, it is me that moves away.
May your day be blessed with "Ah Ha" seconds as you take your Father's hand and walk through your day, seeing Him in all matter how big or small...He is there.

"The LORD is righteous in all his ways
and faithful in all he does.
The LORD is near to all who call on him,
to all who call on him in truth.
He fulfills the desires of those who fear him;
he hears their cry and saves them.
The LORD watches over all who love him..."
(Psalm 145 17-20a)

Peace to you,

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You are not Alone T wo footprints...actually mine. How lonely they look upon the sand as I approach the ocean. The ocean...such beauty...